
Know about Conjunctivitis and It’s five myths that you should be aware

Conjunctivitis, or pink eye, is a common eye infection affecting many people. However, several myths surrounding conjunctivitis can cause confusion and unnecessary worry. Here are five myths about conjunctivitis that you should be aware of

Five myths about conjunctivitis

      1. Myths: Conjunctivitis only affects kids

      Facts: Conjunctivitis can affect people of all ages, including adults. Adults are more likely to get bacterial conjunctivitis than children

      2. Myths: Pink eye is always highly contagious

      Fact: While conjunctivitis can be infectious, not all cases are. The contagiousness of the infection depends on the type of conjunctivitis you have

      3. Myths: Conjunctivitis always requires antibiotics.

      Fact:Only bacterial conjunctivitis requires antibiotics. If you have viral or allergic conjunctivitis, antibiotics will not be effective.

      4. Myths: Conjunctivitis can only be treated with eye drops

      Fact:While eye drops are a standard treatment for conjunctivitis, other options are available. For example, warm compresses can help relieve viral and allergic conjunctivitis symptoms

      5. Myths: You can only get conjunctivitis from touching your eyes

      Fact:While touching your eyes with dirty hands can increase your risk of getting conjunctivitis, you can also get it from other sources, such as contaminated objects or airborne particles.

It’s important to know the facts about conjunctivitis to prevent the spread of infection and receive appropriate treatment.

How monsoons and rains trigger the infection? Does wearing sunglasses protect it?

Monsoons and rains can trigger infections due to the increased moisture in the air. This creates a favourable environment for bacteria and viruses to thrive and spread.

As for wearing sunglasses, they do not provide any protection against infections. However, they can protect your eyes from harmful UV rays alongwith dust and pollution. It is important to practice good hygiene habits, such as washing your hands regularly for 20 secs, avoiding close contact with sick individuals, and staying home when you are feeling unwell, to reduce your risk of infection during monsoon season.

How Conjunctivitis spreads?

Conjunctivitis can spread through contact with an infected person’s eye secretions or contaminated objects such as towels or eye makeup. It can also spread through respiratory secretions, such as coughing or sneezing. Practicing good hygiene, such as washing your hands frequently and avoiding touching your eyes, is essential to prevent the spread of Conjunctivitis.

What are the stages of infection?

Conjunctivitis infection typically progresses through three stages. Stage one involves redness and itching in the eyes. A clear or yellowish fluid discharge from the eyes follows stage two. In stage three, the discharge becomes thicker and more opaque, and the eyes may become swollen and sensitive to light.

What one should do to protect themselves from the infection?

To protect yourself from infection, practicing good hygiene habits is important. Wash your hands frequently with soap and water, avoid touching your eyes or face with your hands, and avoid sharing personal items such as towels or makeup. If you come into contact with someone with Conjunctivitis, be sure to wash your hands thoroughly and avoid touching your own eyes. Additionally, it’s important to disinfect surfaces and objects that may be contaminated with the virus. By taking these precautions, you can reduce your risk of getting infected with Conjunctivitis and stay healthy.

What are the prescribed medicines for Conjunctivitis?

If you have Conjunctivitis, the prescribed medicines will depend on the cause of your infection. If it is a bacterial infection, your doctor will likely prescribe antibiotic eye drops or ointment. If it is caused by a virus, there are no specific medications available, but your doctor may recommend using artificial tears or cold compresses to help relieve your symptoms. Allergic Conjunctivitis can be treated with antihistamine eye drops or medication, while Conjunctivitis caused by irritants may require simply removing the irritant from the eye.

Any natural remedy one can follow for Conjunctivitis?

Several natural remedies can help alleviate the symptoms of Conjunctivitis. One of the simplest remedies is applying a warm compress to the affected eye several times a day, as it helps reduce inflammation. Another option is to use a saline solution to rinse the eye.

You can also try using chamomile tea bags as a compress, as chamomile has anti-inflammatory properties that can help reduce redness and swelling. Finally, get plenty of rest and avoid touching or rubbing your eyes, worsening the infection.

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