Understanding Tremors

What are Tremors?

Tremors are unintentional shaking movements caused by various factors, including problems
with brain regions that control movement, such as the cerebellum. They can be classified into
different types, such as:
Resting tremor: These occur when muscles are relaxed e.g. when the hands are resting on the
Action tremor: They occur with voluntary movement e.g. when reaching for an object.

Common causes of tremors

● Neurological disorders
● Stress or anxiety
● Overuse of caffeine or alcohol withdrawal
● Certain medications
● Thyroid disorders

Common Symptoms

Tremors may occur in different ways depending on their cause and type. The most common
symptoms include:
● Shaking hands or fingers, often making it difficult to write or hold objects
● Shaking in the arms, legs, head, or voice
● Difficulty performing fine motor tasks like buttoning a shirt or drinking
If tremors persist or worsen, it’s essential to consult the Best Neurologist in Faridabad for
professional help.

Tremors Treatment in Faridabad

Faridabad has several reputable hospitals and clinics offering both medical and alternative
therapies for tremors but Accord hospital has the Best neurologists in Faridabad who can help
you find the underlying cause of tremors. A few commonly recommended options are as under:

  1. Medications
    These are commonly used to treat essential tremors, the ones that are caused by a neurological
    Anti Seizure medications
    In the case of certain patients, beta-blockers are ineffective. They are prescribed anti seizure
    Parkinson’s disease
    If tremors are linked to Parkinson’s, dopamine-enhancing drugs may help.
  2. Physical Therapy
    Physiotherapy: Therapists often teach exercises to improve muscle control and coordination,
    helping to reduce tremors.
    Occupational therapy: Focuses upon improving daily function by using assistive devices like
    weighted utensils or wrist braces.
  3. Surgical Treatments
    Deep Brain Stimulation
    DBS is a highly effective surgical option for patients with severe tremors unresponsive to
    medication. It involves implanting a device that sends electrical signals to brain regions
    controlling movement.
  4. Botox Injections
    Botulinum toxin injections may be useful in cases where tremors affect the head or voice. It
    temporarily weakens the muscles, reducing the shaking.
  5. Lifestyle Changes
    Reducing caffeine intake, managing stress, and getting enough sleep can minimize tremors.
    Yoga or meditation also help greatly to control stress-related tremors.

Coping with Tremors: Self-Help Tips

While medical treatment is essential, there are several steps you can take to manage your
tremors daily:

Stress Management :- Relaxation techniques such as deep breathing, meditation, or mindfulness can reduce the severity of stress-induced tremors.

Adaptive Tools :- Using weighted utensils or writing tools can make daily tasks easier.

Healthy Diet :- A diet rich in magnesium and potassium, can improve nerve function and reduce tremor symptoms.

Tremors can be a challenging condition to live with, but with the right diagnosis and treatment
plan, it is possible to manage symptoms, regain control over the body movements and improve
the quality of life of the patient.

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