Mini Stroke
Also known as a Transient Ischemic Attack or TIA, Mini stroke happens when there is a temporary lack of blood in a certain part of the brain. This causes some temporary symptoms that usually resolve within 24 hours. Even though a mini stroke in itself does not cause any permanent damage, it acts like a warning of a future stroke and gives an opportunity to prevent it. Thus, it should not be ignored and immediate medical attention should be sought.
What are the common symptoms of TIA?
A mini stroke or TIA causes fleeting symptoms that may be difficult to identify in many people. Some of the most common mini stroke symptoms are as follows:
- Language disturbance – aphasia
- Vision changes
- Difficulty in speaking – Dysarthria
- Tingling
- Balancing issues
- Altered consciousness level
- Abnormal sense of taste and smell
- Passing out episodes
- dizziness
- Numbness or weakness on the left or right side of the body or face.
What are the causes of mini stroke?
Mini strokes can be caused due to many reasons. One of the major causes of mini stroke is blood clots in the brain. Other leading causes of this medical problem include:
- High blood pressure or hypertension
- Atherosclerosis
- Diabetes
- High cholesterol
- Carotid Artery disease that is caused by the blockage of the external or internal carotid artery of the brain
How to diagnose whether a person is experiencing a mini stroke or not?
There are certain symptoms that can come on to a person immediately without any warning signifying a stroke. In order to diagnose the same, there is a ‘FAST’ test that is often used by medical personnel to diagnose whether a person is experiencing a mini stroke or not. This involves:
- F for Face- If there is an uneven or a drooping smile on a person’s face, it is a warning sign of an impending stroke.
- A for Arms- Check for any numbness or weakness in a person’s arms. If a person fails to hold his or her arms steady, it may be a warning sign of a mini stroke.
- S for Speech- Check whether the person has a slurred speech or difficulty in speaking. This indicates that a person is having a stroke
- T for time- Its time to act fast and contact your nearest hospital.
How can the mini strokes be prevented?
In order to prevent a mini stroke, it is best to know the risk factors and live healthily to prevent any chances of TIA. In addition to regular medical checkups, following are some of the ways through which you can prevent mini strokes from happening:
- Do not smoke
- Cut back on fats and cholesterol
- Consume lots of fruits and vegetables
- Limit the intake of sodium
- Regular exercise
- Limit your alcohol intake
- Lose excess weight and maintain it at a healthy level
- Do not consume illicit drugs
- Manage your diabetes with a healthy lifestyle and medication
For further medical guidance regarding prevention of strokes and mini-strokes, Contact the most Neurologists at Accord Hospitals in Delhi/NCR.